Inventory deals & Special prices
Discover our Archives collection, featuring iconic designs by world-renowned designers. These timeless pieces, now out of production, are available only while stocks last. Own a piece of Alessi's history.
Discover our Archives collection, featuring iconic designs by world-renowned designers. These timeless pieces, now out of production, are available only while stocks last. Own a piece of Alessi's history.
318 products
49% OFF

Special Prices on Cookware & Cutlery set
Discover Alessi cookware and cutlery sets, perfect for everyday meals and special occasions. Enjoy exceptional quality and design, now with a 25% discount on our special prices. Shop now and elevate your culinary experience.
Discover the collection
Discover Alessi cookware and cutlery sets, perfect for everyday meals and special occasions. Enjoy exceptional quality and design, now with a 25% discount on our special prices. Shop now and elevate your culinary experience.